Career/Path Ramblings [4.14.2022]

I find myself at an interesting crossroads of sorts. I’ve been contemplating what the next steps of my journey look like… I know that I want to provide some form of empathy-based “counseling” to other people. The vision of building a career out of helping people through conversation, empathy, and presence, to live better lives is one in which I find my soul satiated…

The Question then is:

As a 33-year-old without a bachelor’s degree do I proceed with the traditional Undergrad to Master’s degree track and start practicing conventionally at the age of 42… or do I form my own curriculum and focus on building knowledge, experience, specialized certifications, competencies, and an awareness of the pros/cons from industry leaders who have taken a similar path, and potentially begin practicing earlier?

There are potential pitfalls to each route. Unlicensed, you risk being shunned and not being taken seriously. The level of discipline and thoroughness I would require of myself to feel ok with providing an unlicensed service rooted in spirituality and therapy would be monumental. The ethical considerations alone are formidable. Do I possess the drive and devotion required to walk that path?

On the licensed side, I worry that the narrowness of conventional modalities and “wisdom” would crush the innovative spirit and seed I feel is gestating within me. The licensed route would be very expensive and would delay the study of specific specializations like Transpersonal Psychology and Spiritually oriented modalities unless I were to attend a school like CIIS or Naropa.

I also have to soberly look at whether or not my aversion to attending university is rooted in fear of failure and doubt about my capacity… and potentially whether or not laziness and fear of prolonged commitment play a role.

I’ve received encouragement from numerous people over time that I would make a great Therapist. I hope that in five to ten years I look back on this entry with fondness and compassion in a place that is, in retrospect, exactly where I was meant to arrive.