Lakota Vision Quest Intentions [6.2.2022]

It occurs to me that with the upcoming VQ experience I ought to state my intentions in writing for future reflection and integration.

I am approaching this experience as a rite of passage. Not having experienced a definitive or formal trial to indicate a ritualistic transition into adulthood earlier in life this seems like an excellent opportunity to embrace that…

I would like to get insights into who I truly am underneath all of the layers of conditioning and the fairly recent wellspring of insecurity and fear…

I want to move past the fear and live authentically so that I might radiate light and compassionate balanced confidence more effectively…

I have been struggling to show up in close/not-so-close relationships with the degree of presence and authenticity I’d like to.

There are plenty of past occurrences I could depend on to justify a life sentence in the prison of my mind’s making…

It’s time to leave the past in the past and step into the future; shackle-less ready to claim my power and use it to lift those around me up.

My intention is: To be shown my inherent strength and worth so I can move into the future in my power. Spreading light in the wake of my momentum.