Freewriting [8.12.2022]

Let’s see… What has been on my mind lately? I’ve felt a bit of tension around trying to break out of old habits to inhabit a new mode of living in/relating to the world.

I notice that my internal desire and push toward being more active and social is exactly what I need at this moment… and yet, there is resistance. A resistance emotionally and mentally, a type of wavering, that will go from empowered and determined to be seen and part of the world to a place of personality shrinking and a fear of being seen. Given my struggles to be socially engaged over the last couple of years, I intellectually understand that this friction between these polarities is to be expected and is, in fact, a struggle that is necessary if I’m to overcome the maladaptive behavior. I can’t help but feel discouraged when the fear presents itself, the chest tightens, and I shrink. Patience and perseverance are called for, I know. The somatic and mental resistance presents a hard challenge. The same goes for physical activity. I know that to surmount the stiffness and lack of motivation and to stay proactive to avoid falling into depression again, I must be active.

Other reflections – There is definitely grief still inside of me with the dissolution of my relationship with my ex. There is a feeling of wanting time to speed up so that we can embrace a friendship and be comfortable in one another’s lives… and yet I want to be exactly where I am now without time passing too quickly. It’s a bit of an “emotional cake and eat it too” scenario, I suppose. I love her still but it continues to be clear to me that we were misaligned, and despite our best efforts this outcome was likely inevitable.

I find myself delving into distraction… be that frequenting a Cafe where a cute and (clearly unstable) girl visits – at the prospect of intimate engagement – or the micro-binges of Netflix. I’m accomplishing a lot and doing more for my future and myself than I have done in years, so holding myself gently and with compassion as I reconfigure my habits and lifestyle is necessary. The inner “taskmaster” keeps making an appearance to offer some useless shame for me to (often) embrace.

I am feeling optimistic about going back to school and have made a concerted effort to handle all of the logistics in an intentional and organized way. I’m embracing my “25 pages a day for a year” challenge and the progress I’ve made is definitely empowering. I worry that I will struggle to hold the added lifestyle pieces together in a sustainable way… But hey it’s time to try!

Trip to Intensive Retreat [9.5.18]

Here I am waiting for my connecting flight in Denver, CO. On my way to my hometown and another month on my teacher’s property. Several people have asked me if I am stressed or excited, but I feel somewhat indifferent. There is a general neutrality in regard to the trip, and any sense of novelty or nostalgia is absent. I know that this month ought to be exciting or provoke some emotion, but despite the implications, all I can do is push forward. It’s important I remain unattached to the outcome and focus on dedicating myself completely to the work while analyzing how the environment is affecting me. Should be exciting, right?? I suppose there is a slight tension in the chest. A minor anxiety, but I have to focus on the work and make strides to better myself in the joyous environment.

I still get a kick from traveling, but I realize part of the joy is from the anonymity and ego. I feel like a rogue vagabond while traveling, without a clear identity or history, a specter free to accentuate that in public and keep people guessing… like I said, there’s some ego involved. I do feel generally confident, though. The wind has been steady, and those directional drafts arent for no reason. Here’s to the future!! Cheers! (Holds a coffee cup up).

Thoughtless Clarity//Counsel from the Soul [9.1.2018]

There is a phenomenon that can manifest during discussions, in which the ego is quieted and the mind falls silent, from this timeless place springs vivid truth, and genuine compassion. The person’s troubles don’t energetically attach, yet a deep sympathy and multi-vantaged perspective takes the forefront. One of truth. Crystalline yet so simple and unattached. From this place, the cathedral of the soul, the sermon transmits. With no agenda or high-minded ideal of spiritual purification or intention to remedy the other party’s woes. Just a strong kindness and openness. Despite the lack of intention to fix the problem, the wisdom, honesty, and truth transmitted ends up having a lasting effect… Or at the very least has a better chance to penetrate and inspire the participant as a result. This state also occurs when there are no woes to fix. The light seeks refuge in all temperaments.