Thoughtless Clarity//Counsel from the Soul [9.1.2018]

There is a phenomenon that can manifest during discussions, in which the ego is quieted and the mind falls silent, from this timeless place springs vivid truth, and genuine compassion. The person’s troubles don’t energetically attach, yet a deep sympathy and multi-vantaged perspective takes the forefront. One of truth. Crystalline yet so simple and unattached. From this place, the cathedral of the soul, the sermon transmits. With no agenda or high-minded ideal of spiritual purification or intention to remedy the other party’s woes. Just a strong kindness and openness. Despite the lack of intention to fix the problem, the wisdom, honesty, and truth transmitted ends up having a lasting effect… Or at the very least has a better chance to penetrate and inspire the participant as a result. This state also occurs when there are no woes to fix. The light seeks refuge in all temperaments.