
There comes a time when we need to act, share our voice, quit ruminating, and say “Fuck it”. This is where I stand. This is my primary motivation for publishing anything found within this blog. The attachment to the concept of “Involutions” is born from my personal trajectory and pursuit of self-knowledge. It embodies the notion that the path toward self-actualization is one in which the individual must go inward and gradually develop an increased awareness of their nature and, as a result, discover a conviction to their own path and purpose in life. There are countless examples of this from various disciplines over time. Every spiritual tradition heralds this quest in one form or another. Humanistic Psychologists like Maslow have pointed to our innate ability to transcend mundane existence into a way of being that is a more vivid expression of human potential and joy. Philosophers have sought to illuminate the varied steps toward living an ethical and morally superior life. Mythologists like Joseph Campbell have even developed frameworks for pursuing the ever-deepening bedrock of knowledge of self and expounded on the implications of what is on offer for the populace as a result of accomplishing such a goal. I’ve been drawn to the image of the involuted spiral as a metaphorical representation of the journey toward self-realization or transcendence from an early age. A traversal from the outside of the spiral to the inside (self-inquiry and discovery) and the inverse movement from the center back to the starting point (self-transcendence and radiance of expression).

Upon further exploration you will find a range of offerings; blog posts with current thoughts and reflections, posts consisting of personal journal entries and poetry, some of those selections ranging back nearly two decades that will at times undoubtedly read as sophomoric and/or naïve. You’ll find media recommendations, quotes that have inspired me, and additional elements as time goes on. There is also an intention to include a selection of short stories in the future. I intend to stay anonymous and, as such, names of persons mentioned will likely be pseudonyms.

I’ve wrestled with the notion of publishing my most intimate reflections for others to consume. My intention is not to aggrandize my life or to congratulate myself publicly. Far from it. I recognize that there are lessons that I have learned (and have yet to learn) that will be reflected in the writings and ultimately, I leave it up to the discerning reader to parse and use the content as they see fit.

Fair warning – there will be mention of spirituality, often presented in a way that is not secular. An inordinate amount of my life thus far has been spent on a spiritual path under the tutelage of a teacher who espoused the old-world virtues of the Yogic Guru/Disciple relationship. Despite my severance of that relationship, I believe the wisdom gleaned from that journey can be of use regardless of one’s worldview or system of beliefs. Any archival journaling that finds its way onto the site will have minimal edits made, namely for grammatical accuracy, formatting purposes, and for the sake of anonymity. This means that there will be posts in which my writing will have a rhetorical tone and presuppose metaphysical notions as axiomatic truths. Realistically, I am still searching for truth and my notions of what that word means continue to evolve over time.

I encourage you to read on with an open mind. If you disagree with something take the time to reflect on why that’s the case and how your difference of opinion regarding a certain topic shows up in your own life and influences the way you show up in the world. Conversely, if something resonates with you or rings true, consider those personal implications, as well.

Thank you for your time and energy.

~ Humanis