Career/Path Ramblings (Take Two) [5.6.2022]

The more I contemplate my path and the prospect of pursuing the unlicensed route I realize that my best course of action is to probably get the undergrad degree in Psychology with maybe a Writing/English minor and then pursue a more specialized Master’s and potentially Doctoral Degree at a school like CIIS or Naropa. I can do self-study around spiritual traditions, consciousness, and therapy modalities. This path will be one of sacrifice, humility, and focus. Cosmology, Consciousness, and Spiritual growth are areas I could see myself really jiving into and pursuing academically with passion.

I’ve had the impulse to pursue this path since the age of 18 or 19. Exploring the links between perspective, belief, practice, and self-actualization/evolution would be a meaningful path to pursue. Searching for peace and joyous embodiment is what meaning means to me. If I can explore the multitude of disciplines and unearth a path inside of me – one unburdened by dogma and contrived allegiances to a given tribe – perhaps I could transcribe that path in such a way that illuminates the underlying route across all beliefs and traditions. This path is worth walking. Time to set off.