
“…we will realize that it is not the body that contains consciousness, but consciousness that contains the body – and all bodies. And we shall move, here or there, unhindered, because everything shall be our body.”

Lost Attribution

“If I can shift the power dynamic at the moment before projection – owning the shadow whilst giving it credence to exist – its power dissipates. After that step, I consciously reframe the emotions that well up, opting for positivity and kindness, ease and equanimity. If I can make this polarity switch habitual and revel in the positive effects I’ll be on my way to being happier and a better partner. The key is to let go of expectations, realizing that the attachment to hope and a fixed outcome will only lead to suffering later on. Nothing is for certain, so enjoy the ride.” 


“I keep attempting to dissect the insecurity in my mind…What I’m starting to realize is that trying to mentally work through it or go to friends/loved ones and talk through it doesn’t seem to be an effective way to overcome the insecurities. It helps me to feel better in the moment, but the perspective I’ve garnered from those methods hasn’t actually changed me.”


“To be a theist or an atheist, to me, are both absurd. If you knew what truth is, what God is, you world neither be a theist nor an atheist, because in that awareness belief is unnecessary. It is the man who is not aware, who only hopes and supposes, who looks to belief or to disbelief to support him, and to lead him to act in a particular way.

Now, if you approach it quite differently, you will find out for yourselves, as individuals, something real that is beyond all the limitations of beliefs, beyond the illusion of words. But that- the discovery of truth, or God-demands great intelligence, which is not assertion of belief or disbelief, but the recognition of the hindrances created by lack of intelligence. So to discover God or truth- and I say such a thing does exist, I have realized it- to recognize that, to realize that, the mind must be free of all the hindrances that have been created throughout the ages, based on self-protection and security. You cannot be free of security by merely saying that you are free. To penetrate the walls of these hindrances, you need to have a great deal of intelligence, not mere intellect. Intelligence, to me, is mind and heart in full harmony; and then you will find out for yourself, without asking anyone, what that reality is.”

Jiddu Krishnamurti