All is God 8.24.2018

I often wrestle with this intention for a deeper perception of the universal, ever-present. There is a deep urge within me to see all as God. To have some inkling of the scope in which the Divine’s dynamism is at work. I have experienced numerous flashes of this, brief moments of sublime synchronicity and beauty, only to have them sifted away by the intellectual urge to probe into that experience and solidify it.

Upon returning from an intensive retreat on my teacher’s property in June of 2018 I felt a lasting strength and joy. There was an outpouring of love to each person I passed, a transient acknowledgment of the ever-present beauty within each person, and a deep sense of belonging and peace. I realize now that that experience was but a fraction of the true depth of bliss and balance this work will bring about. I’ve begun to crave the realization of a deeper unity and the subsequent sense of purpose that will enact. I seek the homecoming and can see now that it is attainable. Perhaps in future writings, I will have come to the integrated realization that all is indeed God, but for now, I will maintain stride and surrender to the itinerary that illusive God has set before me.