Ayahuasca Ceremony Intentions [8.27.2022]

Brainstorming ideas for the intentions I would like to carry into the upcoming Ayahuasca ceremony… I think exploring the “Root Chakra” block experience from the second ceremony I intended immediately comes to mind. I’ll be asking for guidance on how to be the most radiant and embodied version of myself. Dropping the hard/trauma-centric personal history for new blissful iterations of myself is something I’d like to explore. I want to let go of my trauma narrative and show up in my and others’ lives in a way that is inspiring and rooted in Love.

[9.2.2022] – With the “high” of the NWTA fading a bit and shreds of anxiety peeking in, I have been contemplating the freedom to be myself and embody the “Apple Cart” vision of my consciousness that came up in my first Ayahuasca ceremony. I’d like to get some clarity around how I ought to behave to step lastingly into that simple and fulfilled consciousness/mode of being. I’ve also been reflecting on parallels between the freedom I’ve felt lately and my time spent in Portland with the transient heart opening. There must be some version of a middle path in which I can be fully embodied without needing the high I felt after the weekend and any consciousness shifts I felt as a result of prolonged retreats with my teacher. Insights into how to step into that space are welcome.

  • I think an intention as simple as “How can I fully love myself and show up with love in my life” would probably summarize a number of these desires for growth.
  • “Root Chakra” block and my willingness to surrender.
  • How can I be the most embodied and radiant version of myself?
  • I’d like to fully let go of my attachment to my trauma history.
  • Show me who I can become.
  • Show me how to die happy.