Guru Advice

From 16 to approximately 33 years old, I maintained a fairly devout relationship with a spiritual teacher that fits the classical Yogic model of the Guru-Disciple relationship. Despite our eventual separation, I am forever grateful for the valuable wisdom he espoused. Over the course of our relationship and when I had the presence of mind I would record journal entries after receiving counsel from him. Below you will find selections from those journal entries.

Feel things. Work with your feelings – Don’t suppress what you are feeling. Approaching the feelings mentally and without friendliness leads to duality. Every time you go out with someone, at the end of it take some time to see how that event changes your “feeling world” [State of consciousness].


Find the vibration of friendliness.

When things are noisy or chaotic step into friendliness.

Surrender to God and open yourself to the difficulties.


Focus on the heart centers;

Start with the high heart (Just below the collar bones)

Spend time here while experimenting with how visualization and the feeling world interact with each other.

Jump from the high to low, to the middle heart. As you shift between the vertical orientations experiment with horizontal movement. Start on the surface and with each subsequent shift move inward toward the spine, inch by inch. By playing in the inner world you build confidence.


You don’t have to have devotion.

As you grow you start to give up and realize you can’t make things happen.


Face your fears and follow you passion.

Play in public. Push yourself.

“Your will God, not mine.”

Go into the depths of what that means.

Open to the closed eyed visions, receive them to see what they are.


Look at the point when you want to stop meditating, analyze the Gunas that are present. Follow the origin of the reaction. Laugh 3-6 times a day or something is likely wrong.
